year: 2005-2007
use: house
location: Toride-city, Ibaraki
floor: 2floors
structure: RC+S+W
site area:403.49m2
building area: 171.61m2
total floor area: 195.08m2
building coverage ratio: 60%
floor area ratio: 160%
structural design: Kenji Nawa
construction: Iwahori Kensetu, K. Iwahori
photo: Hiroyuki Hirai
October Ueda and Nakagawa Architects

If what one wants to see there is only bamboo and sky, we should realize relatively large windows; large window frames are made by expensive steel so that we designed the steel frames in larger than needed for glasses for supporting wood panels of walls, floors and roofs. The form of the steel frames has triangle shape for Y-direction structural strength. The X-direction is structured by wood panels on the other. The possibility of linear repetition is good for narrow and long form of the upper horizontal space of the site.

The SKEW is a set of a floating lightweight flat and a heavy weight anchor volume; the flat is made of steel lines and wood planes; and the anchor is concrete volume. The flat and anchor are connected with very narrow corridor under the ground. Windows are emerging as voids between steel-wood units; which are slits of physical materials. Unfamiliar appearance of the SKEW is of very natural approach to physical conditions of the site and economical condition of usual budget and of very small hope of seeing bamboo and sky; if so, emerging unfamiliarity of the house should be accepted by the good neighborhood.