year: 1999-2001
use: house
location: West Tokyo
floor: 1basement floor + 2floors
structure: Steel, partially RC
site area: 167.64 m2
building area: 66.97m2
total floor area: 152.54m2
building coverage ratio: 40%
floor area ratio: 80%
structural design: S.FORM
construction: Daido Kogyo
photo: Hiroyuki Hirai
October Ueda and Nakagawa Architects

The program is to build a house-office building with music studio. The northward width is long and open. This is a good point. It is healthy to love good points rather than to regret bad. We decided to make the site doing well. We designed the house as a whole atelier-light house. What is called 'atelier-light' is a northward large window used for painters' atelier, which gives gentle ambient lights all day long. To activate ambient lights, we use white on wall, ceiling and even floor, for its reflection.

The floor zoning is employed for fewer doors and three stories are there. For 7m high restriction, the half height of first floor is sunk. The site's original approach stairway is cut and leveled to the half-sunk entrance. It is possible because of high platform house with no worry about rain inflow. There are two stories high living dining, compact kitchen, large bath with utility space, three small bedrooms like train's compartments. The entire house is steel for large windows except the music studio of RC. The steel construction was impossible without a titleial crane.

A sloped site gives you contradictory 'privacy and openness' at the same time which usual horizontal sites never give. The construction on a sloped site is costly a bit; but the price of the land is cheap. Now what you need is important.